Narrative film can be a useful way of looking at bioethical scenarios. This volume presents a col...
This volume contains new essays on Arthur Penn's film Bonnie and Clyde.
Steven Spielberg has become a brand name and a force that extends far beyond the movie screen. Ph...
This volume contains new essays on Arthur Penn's film Bonnie and Clyde.
The Routledge Handbook of Health and Media provides an extensive review and exploration of the my...
'Die kultige TV-Adaption von 'Ein seltsames Paar'.
Zwei grandiose Schauspieler setzen den humorigen Super-Klassiker der Fernsehunterhaltung kongenia...
Felix' Plan, seine Frau zurückzugewinnen, ist genauso haarsträubend witzig wie Oscars Wunsch, sei...
Weiter geht's mit dem TV-Klassiker über die urkomische Männer-WG. Eine Fernseh- und Quizshow vers...
Throughout his lengthy career as both an actor and a director, Clint Eastwood has appeared in vir...
A smug glance at the seventies—the so-called 'Me Decade'—unveils a kaleidoscope of big hair, blar...
A collection of essays on medicine and media from newspapers through film, television, and comput...