50 volumes. 4 million words. Global representation. Engage with the latest theological thinking...
The Hodder Bible Commentary: 1&2 Kings
Volume 19 includes some of the most important sermons that Owen delivered on the national stage i...
50 volumes. 4 million words. Global representation. Engage with the latest theological thinking...
50 volumes. 4 million words. Global representation. Engage with the latest theological thinking...
Often caricatured, so-called 'limited atonement' is the doctrine that Jesus came definitely to sa...
A stellar cast of Anglican pastors and theologians from around the world reflect on the foundatio...
This book will help you reflect on some of Jesus's first words, as well as his last, and ponder w...
'Whilst the Calvinistic doctrines were the language of our pulpits as well as of our Articles, th...
Puritan ministers saw themselves as ambassadors for God, called to proclaim his word and shepherd...
For many centuries, people have learned what it means to be a Christian through the Apostles' Cre...
'Puritans', says J I Packer, 'saw themselves as God's pilgrims, travelling home, God's warriors, ...