This groundbreaking treatment of post-communist developments in East Central Europe examines poli...
This groundbreaking treatment of post-communist developments in East Central Europe examines poli...
This volume gathers key lessons for post-communist democratic theory and practice from the remark...
This is the first volume to overview the complex Romanian transitional justice effort.
This book is the first to systematically examine the connection between religion and transitional...
Unser bisheriger Preis:ORGPRICE: 149,79 €
Explores how the former communist regimes of Central and Eastern Europe have grappled with the se...
This is the first volume to overview the complex Romanian transitional justice effort.
This volume gathers from the remarkable 1989-2014 period, which spans the tumult of the revolutio...
During the last two decades, the countries of Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union have att...
The present volume focuses on the relationship with Communism of Romania's most important religio...
This book is the first to systematically examine the connection between religion and transitional...
Unser bisheriger Preis:ORGPRICE: 149,79 €
This book examines Romania's efforts to consolidate liberal democracy and market economy, as desi...