Finally, the real history of Switzerland for clever kids and clever kids-at-heart: dukes slaughte...
Im Februar 2021 feiern die Frauen in der Schweiz das 50-Jahre-Jubiläum ihres Stimm- und Wahlrecht...
The inspiring stories of 50 immigrants to Switzerland everyone should know about.This book explor...
Die inspirierenden Geschichten von 50 Immigrantinnen und Immigranten in die Schweiz, die man kenn...
Once upon a time, three witches met - entirely by chance - at a writing conference in Geneva. The...
Four fun stories that teach hygiene through humor!This book combines the well-loved original st...
February 2021 marks the fiftieth anniversary of women's right to vote in Switzerland. This book c...
Février 2021 marquera le cinquantième anniversaire du droit de vote des femmes en Suisse. Ce livr...