This book covers various methods of teaching in Physical Science as creative and engaging as poss...
This book provides an essential resource for the better knowledge about the use of Audio-Visual A...
Curriculum for Learners Self Instructional Material attempts to give balanced attention to all im...
Taxonomy of Educational Objectives This book provides a guide to all teachers to gain a perspecti...
This book provides an essential resource for the better knowledge about the use of Multimedia Ins...
This book has been written as a basic textbook for B.Ed student teachers who have chosen one of t...
Teaching is one of the noble profession. There is a need for flexible teaching for attracting the...
Ce livre constitue une ressource essentielle pour une meilleure connaissance de l'utilisation des...
Este livro constitui um recurso essencial para um melhor conhecimento da utilização de meios audi...
Dieses Buch bietet eine wesentliche Ressource für ein besseres Wissen über den Einsatz von audiov...
Questo libro fornisce una risorsa essenziale per una migliore conoscenza dell'uso degli ausili au...
Dit boek biedt een essentiële bron voor betere kennis over het gebruik van audiovisuele hulpmidde...