Economic Thriller!An incredible story of power, romance, revenge, and international finance spann...
Economic Thriller! An incredible story of power, romance, revenge and international finance spann...
Economic Thriller! An incredible story of power, romance, revenge and international finance spann...
A Creationist Review and Preliminary Analysis of the History, Geology, Climate, and Biology of th...
Fasten your seat belt! It's a roller coaster ride of history, suspense, and thrills! Rafe Savaryn...
Rafe Savaryn is happy. He's in Venice writing a novel on the Renaissance, enjoying being alone af...
Genesis Kinds: Creationism and the Origin of Species
In a brief, memoir-like narrative, The Fool and the Heretic tracks the improbable relationship be...
Rafe Savaryn is happy. He's in Venice writing a novel on the Renaissance, enjoying being alone af...
Industry after industry is becoming technology driven as software rapidly eats the world. As it s...