Algorithms are at the heart of every nontrivial computer application, and algorithmics is a moder...
This textbook is a concise introduction to the basic toolbox of structures that allow efficient o...
Algorithmen bilden das Herzstück jeder nichttrivialen Anwendung von Computern, und die Algorithmi...
This two-volume set of LNCS 7391 and LNCS 7392 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 39th I...
Dieses Buch behandelt Grundlagen von Programmiersprachen, deren Verknüpfung mit realen Rechenmasc...
Digital filtering in VLSI.- Two processor scheduling is in NC.- Breaking symmetry in synchronous ...
Algorithms are at the heart of every nontrivial computer application, and algorithmics is a moder...
This textbook is a concise introduction to the basic toolbox of structures that allow efficient o...
This two-volume set of LNCS 7391 and LNCS 7392 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 39th I...
Contents: Invited Papers: H. Alt, T. Hagerup, K. Mehlhorn, F.P. Preparata: Deterministic simulati...
Die Gesellschaft für Informatik veranstaltet ihre 30. Jahrestagung, die Informatik 2000, vom 19.-...
Keine ausführliche Beschreibung für 'Parallel Algorithms and Architectures' verfügbar.