A high-end fight places heavy demands on U.S. Air Force command and control of combat support. Po...
Evaluates options for Air National Guard combat support and reachback missions in four Air Force ...
RAND researchers assess the Air Force's response to Secretary of Defense direction to reduce head...
As part of a continuing effort to improve combat support execution planning and control (CSC2), a...
Given manpower reductions in the active-duty Air Force and a surplus of highly trained Air Nation...
Space assets are vital to the economic, social, and military interests of the United State, but t...
The U.S. Air Force asked RAND Project AIR FORCE to examine how tactics, techniques, and procedure...
Evaluates maintenance options for U.S. Air Force associate units, where the goal of the associate...
Many factors contribute to imbalances between needed agile combat support (ACS) resources and tho...
Describes and assesses the strengths and weaknesses of several analytic approaches for linking in...
Documents the modeling framework Project AIR FORCE developed to evaluate combat support requireme...
Presents an analysis of Air Force combat support experiences associated with Operation Enduring F...