A HIGHLY UNUSUAL APPROACH TO AGENEALOGICAL MYSTERYIn April 1910, a young woman named Inez Willic...
One family's secrets, betrayals, and hopes, woven together through four generations into a tapest...
In its heyday, sentence diagramming was wildly popular in grammar schools across the country. Kit...
Amity Street is the sequel to Kitty Burns Florey's 2012 novel The Writing Master, which took plac...
Wynn Tynan, a young woman growing up in rural Maine, has been raised by her accomplished parents ...
Robert Sinclair and his wife, May, move to New York City's Gramercy Park area at the height of th...
Four people have come to the Paradise Lounge on the same night for the same reason - to kill the ...
Betsy Ruscoe, a single university professor in her mid-30s, is pregnant, and the man she thought ...
A chance encounter on a train leads painter Christine Ward to wonder whether Orin Pierce, her bel...
Dorrie Gilbert, a potter who lives alone, is completely unprepared for motherhood when her oddbal...
Aimless and guilt-ridden, Margaret Neal decides to get away from the East Coast altogether. For t...