Exploratory and energetically analytical, 1650–1850 ranges over the expanse of long eighteenth-ce...
This collection opens a panorama of essays celebrating diverse ways to participate in the British...
AMS Press president Gabriel Hornstein stimulated the revival of “long” eighteenth-century studies...
AMS Press president Gabriel Hornstein stimulated the revival of “long” eighteenth-century studies...
Nine authors from prominent universities around the world show how the adventurous thinkers, arti...
Hemispheres and Stratospheres offers eight essays that address the art, literature, science, and ...
1650–1850 combines fresh considerations of prominent authors and artists with searches for overlo...
Textual Studies and the Enlarged Eighteenth Century scrutinizes the culture and sometimes the cul...
Hemispheres and Stratospheres offers eight essays that address the art, literature, science, and ...
The annual 1650-1850 publishes essays and reviews from and about a wide range of academic discipl...
British writers of the Restoration and eighteenth century initiated a critique of human knowledge...
1650-1850 publishes essays and reviews from and about a wide range of academic disciplines litera...