Colonial Latin America: A Documentary History centers on people from different parts of the world...
This book deals with casting powders and explains how they work and how they are best used to min...
The ecclesiastical investigations into Indian religious error--the Extirpation of idolatry--that ...
Colonial Spanish America is a book of readings about people-people from different worlds who came...
This book deals with casting powders and explains how they work and how they are best used to min...
Colonial Latin America: A Documentary History centers on people from different parts of the world...
Als erstem Glied im kritischen Triptychon liegt Autarkie, Selbsterhaltung und Selbstbewußtsein ei...
Als zweitem Glied im kritischen Triptychon liegt Cheírônos Encheirídion: Kritisches zu den neueur...
Describes and assesses the strengths and weaknesses of several analytic approaches for linking in...
A re-examination of the social processes behind religious conversions in the Ancient and Early Mi...
A historical investigation of the phenomena of religious conversion from ancient to modern times.
Als drittem Glied im kritischen Triptychon liegt Globale Souveränität und Zivilgesellschaft ein b...