Kay Marshall Strom brings compassion and practical advice and support to anyone caring for an eld...
This biography of the writer of Amazing Grace takes us on a journey worthy of a Hollywood extrava...
What's the key to improving the relationships in your life?You have cancer. . . now what?Eve...
Learning that her husband Cabeto is on a South Carolina plantation, Grace dons a disguise and sig...
Kay Marshall Strom and Michele Rickett tell the stories of persecuted Christian women from around...
All over the world, women and girls face troubles such as starvation, displacement, illiteracy, s...
When slavers blast into Grace Winslows life with guns blazing, they tear her family apart forever...
The Blessing in India series is a saga set in Indias heartbreaking history and breathtaking prese...
Kay Marshall Strom delivers hope, encouragement, and practical advice for dealing with cancer.
When the flames of revolt brought independence to India, they seared change into the family of As...
In west Africa, 1787, Grace Winslow runs away to escape her betrothal, only to be swept up in a s...
India 1990. In the final book of the Blessings of India series, Shridula, old and stooped at fift...