Surpanakha, Ravan's famous sister. Ugly and untamed, brutal and brazen-this is often how she is c...
We make love and leave. That is our motto. Live by it, Menaka or you shall suffer untold, unneces...
From the bestselling author of Karna's Wife, comes this book about Urmila, Sita's sister and the ...
Karna's Wife: The Outcast's Queen tells the extraordinary story of Karna, the unsung hero of the ...
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'Do we mean anything?' Tara questioned hopelessly. 'Are our desires, our dreams relevant to the c...
Sarasvati, the feminine force worshipped as the goddess of learning, is a household name, yet we ...
Matsyagandha, Daseyi, Yojanagandha-the queen of Hastinapur, Satyavati. Abandoned as a baby