In an intensely personal narrative highlighting her own struggles, Kathy Troccoli shares her jour...
Following the success of the highly acclaimed 'Falling in Love with Jesus,' Brestin and Troccoli ...
The authors of the bestselling 'Falling in Love with Jesus' book and video curriculum turn their ...
Women have 'fallen' in love with Jesus and learned to 'live' in love with Him, now it's time to s...
Fall more deeply in love with Jesus and be transformed into the woman you long to be by spending ...
Using humor, contemporary love songs, real-life stories, and solid Biblical teaching, Dee and Kat...
This in-depth Bible Study gives women the inspiration to rethink their relationships with Christ,...
In each of the many vital roles you fill as a woman, you take your responsibilities seriously-but...
This in-depth Bible Study gives women the inspiration to rethink their relationships with Christ,...
Imagine a restaurant where the menu offersFull LifeMore LifeBetter LifeEternal LifeWho wouldn't w...
Am I Not Still God? Facilitator's Guide