One Blood of the Veil still walks, and he has learned to listen.Freed from the unending torment o...
They say the pen is mightier than the sword. In Sleepwater's world, words are literally more powe...
The ageless laws binding the world in ignorance have begun to shift.The closer Kherron gets to th...
Run the witching vault. Protect the Gateway. Say please. And don't get killed.After her release ...
Born of humans but raised by beasts who despise the legacy of man, Keelin is the only one who can...
They say home is where the heart is. Now that Sleepwater's on the run, home is just another place...
It's only a matter of time before she ends the hunt. Part human, part drackan, Keelin E'Kahlyn...
Wytches and Paladins have been at war for centuries. The old feud exists beyond their history, de...