Inspired by a true story about a family of birds nesting in a village's streetlamp, this poetic p...
Karthika Nair's epic poem Until the Lions is conceived as an echo of its great Sanskrit forerunne...
Gene therapy promises to possess a good prospect in bridging the gap between dental applications ...
La thérapie génique promet d'avoir de bonnes perspectives pour combler le fossé entre les applica...
La terapia génica promete tener una buena perspectiva para cerrar la brecha entre las aplicacione...
A terapia gênica promete ter uma boa perspectiva de preencher a lacuna entre as aplicações odonto...
Gennaq terapiq obeschaet imet' horoshie perspektiwy w preodolenii razrywa mezhdu stomatologichesk...
La terapia genica promette di possedere buone prospettive per colmare il divario tra le applicazi...
Die Gentherapie verspricht gute Aussichten, die Lücke zwischen dentalen Anwendungen und der Mediz...
'First published as Until the Lions: Echoes from the Mahabharata by Harper Collins India, 2015.'
'Celebrated poets Marilyn Hacker and Karthika Naèir compose a collaborative poem marking a year o...