In Growing up with Tanzania. Karim Hirji, a renowned Professor of Medical Statistics and Fellow o...
Two talented high school girls, who are also best friends, have resolved to eat bananas everyday....
Under-Education in Africa: From Colonialism to Neoliberalisma collection of edited essays on dive...
The Travails of a Tanzanian Teacher is a riveting account of the bumpy first decade of the work l...
Cheche, a radical, socialist student magazine at the University of Dares Salaam, first came out i...
Written by Karim F Hirji, a retired professor of Medical Statistics,Religion, Politics and Societ...
The key lessons we drew in the two earlier books in this series, Religion, Politics and Society (...
Two talented girls, who are best friends, have resolved to eat bananas every day. Together with t...
Religion, eugenics, science and mathematics
Written by Karim F Hirji, a retired professor of Medical Statistics, Religion, Politics and Socie...
Soon after its publication in 1972, Walter Rodney's How Europe Underdeveloped Africa (HEUA) gaine...