This collection critically examines the notion of mediation as it manifests itself at the interse...
A Snail Tale is a very remarkable, entertaining, and true story.
This volume problematizes the concept and practice of translation in an interconnected world in w...
Sacred Cells? tells the little-known story of Christian theologians who have been actively involv...
English Academic Discourse has its roots in a discourse that was forged back in the 17th century ...
A Snail Tale is a very remarkable, entertaining, and true story.
Sacred Cells? tells the little-known story of Christian theologians who have been actively involv...
Avarice, deceit, and fleeing the law are the bedrock of Beautiful Horseflesh, a literary fiction,...
Avarice, deceit, and fleeing the law are the bedrock of Beautiful Horseflesh, a literary fiction,...
In the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, the linguistic situation in Europe was one of remarkabl...
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Fear Not Little Flock!!Dear reader (unbeliever or believer),This book was born out of one of B...
My Baby Journey is a multi-faceted text that includes a memoir, therapeutic ideologies, and endle...