This series launch introduces Mia Macarooney, an eight-year-old who discovers a super-secret abou...
Mia and her best friends go up against a 'major' super bully in this third adventure of the Mia M...
Unable to control her super-strength, Mia accidentally causes mayhem at school and must rely on h...
'When Mia first learned she had superpowers, there was one ability that always came rather natura...
'Mia's best friend, Eddie, has built an awesome robot that's supposed to be a mighty cleaning mac...
Includes an excerpt from Mia Mayhem vs. the super bully.
Unable to control her super-strength, Mia accidentally causes mayhem at school and must rely on h...
What do you suppose? If animals wore clothes, how would they look, do you suppose?
'When Mia first learned she had superpowers, there was one ability that always came rather natura...
Mia gets new glasses with x-ray vision in this seventh adventure of the Mia Mayhem chapter book s...
'Mia's best friend Eddie has built an awesome robot that's supposed to be a mighty cleaning machi...
Meet Mia Macarooney, an ordinary eight-year-old who has an extraordinary super secret, in this ac...