Der gezielten Nutzung des Unternehmenswissens kommt eine wachsende Bedeutung zu. Doch Wissensmana...
Als erstes deutschsprachiges Werk zum Thema Wissensbilanzierung ist dieses Buch unentbehrlich für...
By Leif Edvinsson Professor of Intellectual Capital University of Lund Lund, Sweden In a marketpl...
This book is the first volume of a running series under the title Inter- tional Handbooks on Info...
By Leif Edvinsson Professor of Intellectual Capital University of Lund Lund, Sweden In a marketpl...
A concise reference to the state of theart in systems interoperability, EnterpriseInteroperabilit...
Globalization is one of the key issues for production management and therefore Global Production ...
This book is the first volume of a running series under the title Inter- tional Handbooks on Info...
Interoperability: the ability of a system or a product to work with other systems or products wit...
Quality-Oriented Design of Business Processes introduces a modeling method, `Integrated Enterpris...
Interoperability: the ability of a system or a product to work with other systems or products wit...
In 2007 INTEROP-VLab defined Enterprise Interoperability as 'the ability of an enterprise system ...