The increasing industrialization and motorization of the world has led to a steep rise for the de...
The book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Second International Conference on Distribut...
The most important goal of periodontal therapy is to reduce or eliminate subgingival microorganis...
A corporate manager typically oversees several ongoing projects and has the opportunity to invest...
Security is one of the most critical areas of research and plays a key role in decisive the succe...
This book describes the powerful analytical technique, i.e., HPLC, used to separate, identify, an...
Nanotechnology has enormous potential to provide innovative improvements to aquaculture systems i...
Die Nanotechnologie birgt ein enormes Potenzial für innovative Verbesserungen der Aquakultursyste...
A nanotecnologia tem um enorme potencial para proporcionar melhorias inovadoras aos sistemas de a...
Nanotehnologii obladaüt ogromnym potencialom dlq innowacionnogo sowershenstwowaniq sistem akwakul...
La nanotecnología tiene un enorme potencial para aportar mejoras innovadoras a los sistemas de ac...
Le nanotecnologie hanno un enorme potenziale per fornire miglioramenti innovativi ai sistemi di a...