Long before the birth of the Holy Prophet of Islam, there were frequent contacts between Arabia a...
The Quran is a collection of verses that Almighty Allah revealed to his Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) i...
Panegyrics on the Holy Prophet (PBUH) occupy a significant place in the realm of Islamic literatu...
The Arab World mainly consists of the Arabic-speaking countries and populations in North Africa a...
Thirukkural contém ensinamentos, que são imortais e aplicáveis a todas as idades. É um acordo sob...
Il Thirukkural contiene insegnamenti immortali e applicabili a tutte le età. È un accordo sull'ar...
ARABIC TRANSLATION IN THE ERA OF GLOBALIZATION Arabic language has attained the status of an Inte...
Thirukkural enthält Lehren, die unsterblich und auf alle Altersgruppen anwendbar sind. Es ist ein...
Asia is home to all Muslim Tamils who have made their mark in several fields and have played a co...
India's relation with the Arabian Peninsula or Gulf region dates back to antiquity. It may even b...
Islamic Heritage is a term primarily used to describe the cultural practices common to Islamic pe...
Thirukkural zawiera nauki, które s¿ nie¿miertelne i maj¿ zastosowanie do wszystkich grup wiekowyc...