Most of the industrials motors are used today are in fact induction motors. Induction motors have...
An approach to model the current-source-inverter-fed induction motor drive is presented. The math...
Fault is simply defined as a number of undesirable but unavoidable incidents that can temporarily...
Die Hauptfunktion des vorgeschlagenen Schemas ist die Verwendung eines unvoreingenommenen DC-Zwis...
La funzione principale dello schema proposto è l'uso di un DC link imparziale, con tensioni ridot...
The major function of the proposed scheme is the use of unbiased DC link, with reduced voltages, ...
A principal função do esquema proposto é o uso de ligação DC imparcial, com tensões reduzidas, o ...
Control scheme of cascaded H-bridge Statcom in three-phase power systems. Cascaded H-bridge Statc...
This text book covers the work done regarding selection of important distributories, growing of p...
La principale fonction du système proposé est l'utilisation d'une liaison c.c. non biaisée, avec ...
This Book presents a new component within the flexible ac-transmission system (FACTS) family, cal...
Ce livre présente un nouveau composant au sein de la famille des systèmes flexibles de transmissi...