After 30 years as a professor in the field of Communication Studies, Dr. Smith reminisces about s...
The author discusses how the economic system imposed upon the world is not as efficient as believ...
Resource-poor wealthy nations and resource-rich poor nations. Restructurning the 1700 year strugg...
Permanent global peace and sustainable development. The secret of free enterprise capital accumul...
Smith argues that Western property rights law is the foundation of poverty and wars while full an...
Permanent global peace and sustainable development. The efficiency of a modern land commons. The ...
Quitting Cold Turkey: Quitting Made Easy, The Eagle Way
According to the author, plunder by trade has been the dominant feature of world trade since Worl...
Permanent global peace and sustainable development. The 1,300 year battle between Christians and ...
Permanent global peace and sustainable development. Eliminating monopolies we are told are not th...
Permanent global peace and sustainable development. Personal property rights, community property ...
The author argues that any economically viable region can create a currency viable only within it...