La tierra natal is a journey into the past, and also a farewell.Since 1831, when forced to follow...
Juana Manuela Gorriti was one of the major literary figures in nineteenth century Latin America b...
In 1875, Juana Manuela Gorriti hurried to finish her new novel, Peregrinaciones de una alma trist...
Juana Manuela Gorriti was born in Argentina in 1814, in the province of Salta. Her father fought ...
One of the most dramatic figures among Latin America's romantic writers and the distinguished wom...
The actions in El pozo del Yocci take place during the permanent state of unrest that harrased th...
Our Native Lane (La tierra natal), Juana Manuela Gorriti's last major work, published in 1889, re...
Oasis en la vida is a melodramatic novel by the outstanding Argentine author Juana Manuela Gorrit...
El hogar es el santuario doméstico; su ara es el fogón; su sacerdotisa y guardián natural, la muj...
Mediaba el año de 1814. La libertad sudamericana había cumplido su primer lustro de existencia en...