In an often violent and dangerous world military defense systems exercise a major role in the way...
Pluralism has become the defining characteristic of many modern societies. Not only a plurality o...
Dieser Band analysiert die mächtigen normativen Grundlagen, die - im Guten wie im Schlechten - de...
This volume analyzes the powerful normative codes that, for better or worse, shape moral characte...
In our late modern pluralistic societies, there are tensions and complementarities between a plur...
A comprehensive analysis of Christian influences on Western family law from the first century to ...
Combining Jewish, Greek, and Roman teachings with the radical new teachings of Christ and St. Pau...
This accessible introduction tells the American story of religious liberty from its colonial begi...
An authoritative introduction to some of the main legal teachings of the Western Christian tradit...
Renowned legal historian, Charles Donahue, serves as the inspiration for this volume of essays co...
This volume examines the relationship between religion and human rights in seven major religious ...
John Calvin transformed the Western theology and law of sex, marriage, and family life. Building ...