Originally published in 1993, we have split the original work into two parts and added a suppleme...
Records from Concord Monthly Meeting, Forks of Brandywine Presbyterian Church, Brandywine Baptist...
This volume covers 865 bastardy cases in Baltimore County, Maryland, taken from county court minu...
Soldiers and sailors from the area that became Delaware, from colonists arriving in New Sweden, t...
This book is intended to be a guide to identifying as many colonial soldiers and sailors of Maryl...
This book contains information on approximately 9,000 deaths or burials in Baltimore City from 18...
Includes various tax lists of St. Thomas Parish, 1763; petitioners for removal of county seat, 17...
This book identifies those who served in the army, navy, signers of oaths and non-signers. It con...
This volume is a comprehensive compilation of marriage references in Cecil County, Maryland from ...
This slender volume contains a wealth of valuable information: names of parties, case numbers, da...
The objective of this work is to identify those Maryland heroes who became casualties during the ...
This book is the winner of the 1993 Norris Harris Award. It was compiled for the purpose of servi...