In a world shattered by an ancient curse, memory is both a gift and a nightmare...
In a world shattered by an ancient curse, memory is both a gift and a nightmare...
'A heady potion of pure magic awaits readers of this modern-day witch tale.''M...
'The breathless, spellbinding saga of Cara Wynters continues to the delight of her growing fan ba...
'My tale starts with a 'once upon a time'. A long time ago, beings lived who could control the el...
Nora Hardington, a young woman on a mission into the dangerous underbelly of London, finds Velvet...
'The breathless, spellbinding saga of Cara Wynters continues to the delight of her growing fan ba...
Fairy tales are just for children, in the young adult version everyone dies.
'Die, die the hand is mine, to be human, is to live your life in the blind.' 'There was mud in my...
As part of their ARTIST SPOTLIGHT series, ABLAZE is proud to present a collected set of two graph...