After years of jungle service, Jason Rance, a maverick British major of Gurkhas has one final cha...
In 1938 Malaya, Japanese intelligence officers and pro-Independence Indians conspire to test thei...
It is 1950s and the Malayan Emergency and the British battle with Communist terrorists hiding dee...
In post-WWII Laos, Vietnamese communists secretly commence to infiltrate the kingdom. They are co...
Based on historical fact and the author's personal experience, Operation Four Rings is the fifth ...
'.should be welcomed by all those who work in the field of Family 'off the shelf' comprehe...
Jason Rance, an officer in a wartime Gurkha battalion, involved in the deaths or capture of four ...
The story of what would become the tipping point of the Malayan Emergency in favour of the securi...
Following the assassination of a British Colonel in a guerrilla ambush by communist terrorists du...