A thought-provoking examination of medical technology and the social and moral issues surrounding...
Increasingly viewed as the future of medicine, the field of tissue engineering is still in its in...
Presents Current Principles and ApplicationsBiomedical engineering is considered to be the most e...
This book draws on material from the medical instruments and devices section of The Biomedical En...
Most current applications of biomaterials involve structural functions, even in those organs and ...
The discovery of x-ray, as a landmark event, enabled us to see the 'invisible,' opening a new era...
Rapid evolution of technical advances in infrared sensor technology, image processing, 'smart' al...
Comprised of chapters carefully selected from CRC's best-selling engineering handbooks, volumes i...
Biomaterials: Principles and Applications offers a comprehensive review of all the major biomater...
The evolution of technological advances in infrared sensor technology, image processing, 'smart' ...
Known as the bible of biomedical engineering, The Biomedical Engineering Handbook, Fourth Edition...
Medical Instruments and Devices: Principles and Practices originates from the medical instruments...