Christmas with Jos' Carreras
This very special Blu-ray includes the legendary concert of the Original Three Tenors - José Carr...
3 ist die magische Zahl! Das berühmteste Trio der Welt, The Three Tenors, veröffentlichte mit sei...
Die Anwendung des Lehr-Lern-Prozesses aus andragogischer Sicht entspricht einem Paradigma, in dem...
Una simple fotografía, que aparece en la prensa, trae al presenteunos sucesos acaecidos veinticin...
This volume of essays on Spanish music in the eighteenth century covers stage genres, orchestral ...
This 1998 volume contains essays on Spanish music in the eighteenth-century.
La aplicacio¿n del proceso de ensen¿anza - aprendizaje desde el punto de vista andrago¿gico corre...
The application of the teaching-learning process from the andragogical point of view corresponds ...
L'application du processus d'enseignement-apprentissage du point de vue andragogique correspond à...
A aplicação do processo ensino-aprendizagem do ponto de vista andragógico corresponde a um paradi...
Primenenie processa prepodawaniq-obucheniq s andragogicheskoj tochki zreniq sootwetstwuet paradig...