In Book Two of 'Gaenor's Prophecy', Artur, Gaenor and their allies must prepare the World against...
In the Series conclusion, Kazani Basan, Chanya Sanai and Raff Cawlens must lead a team of Wayfare...
The Empire of Vohnider has become more aggressive than ever and has blended high technology with ...
Enki has been attacked and possibly left for dead and then Ratatosk disappears while looking into...
Bernie is a wizard with a learning disability. The magic works, but not always the way he intends...
Trouble is brewing all across The Divine Plane and in the Mortal World as well and the League of ...
The local zoning board is blocking Wade's Lizzie's attempt to open a dance studio when a pair of ...
In Book Five of 'Ars Scientiaque Magicae,' the Tzali now have a claw-hold on Maiyim's moon and a ...
Good news: anew wizard has been initiated just up the street from Bernie's fixit shop. Bad news: ...
Gaenor's Prophecy: Book 3Gaenor, Artur and the rest of their party continue on south from Maxforn...
It has been twelve years since Gaenor, Artur and their comrades saved the World. Now a new catast...
Masters Raff and Emblem Cawlens, Kazani Basan and Chanya Sanai continue their chase after rogue W...