Concilium has long been a household-name for cutting-edge critical and constructive theological t...
What Gutierrez has done for overall theological understanding, what Segundo has done for theologi...
IntroductionAndre¿s Torres Queiruga, Luiz Carlos Susin, Jon Sobrino -- Death and its religious 'm...
Concilium has long been a household-name for cutting-edge critical and constructive theological t...
Concilium has long been a household-name for cutting-edge critical and constructive theological t...
All theology is contextual; but not all contextual theology is good theology. Truly great theolog...
Across nineteenth-century Europe, the emergence of constitutional and democratic nation-states wa...
Covers topics such as: 'The Holy Fathers of Latin America'; 'If you were Indios - Bartolome de La...
Jon Sobrino continues the magisterial christology begun in Jesus the Liberator. In that book Sobr...
Invokes the memory and the challenge of the martyrs of El Salvador, including Sobrino's friends a...
Fuera de los pobres no hay salvación : pequeños ensayos utópico-proféticos