This volume looks at how Leif Eiriksson's visit to Vinland around the year 1000 has been reimagin...
Best-sellers are the books that sell well, are read by large numbers of people, and are widely ta...
Forbidden Literature: Case Studies on Censorship
Is there a special niche reserved for women's language? This is the theory tested empiricall...
Tolkien's wizard Gandalf, Wagner's Valkyrie Brünnhilde, Marvel's superhero the Mighty Thor, the w...
15 Länder, 16 Kinder, 5 Kontinente, 1 Stimme so unterschiedlich ihr Lebensumfeld, so unterschiedl...
In National Poets, Cultural Saints Marijan Dovic and Jón Karl Helgason explore the veneration of ...
The contributors to this collection of essays approach Egil’s story from a variety of perspective...