Italy was the scene of the longest, bloodiest, most frustrating, and least understood series of b...
In the perfect match of subject and author, John S. D. Eisenhower, a noted military historian, pr...
In May 1916, six American soldiers led by Lieutenant George S. Patton, Jr., surrounded a building...
The rough-hewn general who rose to the nation's highest office, and whose presidency witnessed th...
The Mexican-American War of the 1840s, precipitated by border disputes and the U.S. annexation of...
'A satisfying history, at once colorful and clear . . . [of] of the grand strategy of the war'.--...
'It was the greatest single battle the U.S. Army ever fought. More than a million GIs were involv...
In his portrait of the greatest Allied military leader of the World War II, Eisenhower masterfull...
The hero of the War of 1812, the conqueror of Mexico City in the Mexican-American War, and Abraha...
Civil War general William Tecumseh Sherman earned a place in history as 'the first modern general...