Poems that examine the creative achievements of the human hand, from cave art to contemporary pho...
In Earth Words, John Reibetanz breaks bread with three earlier writers through the glosa, a poeti...
Professor Reibetanz argues that many of the qualities that set Lear apart from Shakespeare's othe...
Wit and humour crackle through Transformations, John Reibetanz's seventh poetry collection. Caref...
Reading John Reibetanz, one is struck with the way language, closely attended to, kept oiled and ...
John Reibetanz is good on grief: You, mother, dying, left what was hard first: bones weeping into...
John Reibetanz is a poet of transformation. His poetry is tightly woven through syntax that close...
John Reibetanz teaches English and creative writing at the University of Toronto.
Poetry. AFLOAT, John Reibetanz's eighth collection of poetry, focuses on water in many manifestat...
In New Songs for Orpheus, John Reibetanz updates Ovid's poetry. His words showed him to be a pers...
Grounded in the local and immediate - from Toronto's rivers and ravines to its highways and skysc...