The book begins by covering the general and clinical challenges that are unique to Muslims, drawi...
In Depression and the Soul, John Peteet proves the old adage that the best physician is also a ph...
Following World War II and the exposure of the concentration camps, psychiatry turned its attenti...
What is depression really? A psychological disorder? An emotional problem? A spiritual weakness? ...
To what extent should spiritual information be part of a patient's medical assessment? How should...
This book aims to help readers appreciate the many-faceted relationship between Christianity, one...
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This book provides a thorough, comprehensive, and accessible reference for all the major Eastern ...
This book explores the ethical dimension of the interface between psychiatry and religion, illust...
Spirituality and Religion Within the Culture of Medicine provides a comprehensive evaluation of t...
The Virtues in Psychiatric Practice explores the role of the virtues, a tenet of positive psychol...
Beginning with a Foreword by Dr. Howard K. Koh, former US Assistant Secretary for Health for the ...