Zwar wissen wir nicht viel über die alten Druiden, aber ihre Weisheit und ihr Leben in Harmonie m...
A new, definitive edition of this influential modern handbook of magical theory and practice, fir...
An accessible and concise guide exploring the power and beauty of the Golden Dawn magical system.
Aims to open readers up to unfamiliar ways of thinking through discursive meditation, awareness e...
Der Okkultismus gilt als das verworfene Wissen der westlichen Welt. 100 in sichabgeschlossene Bei...
Im Laufe dieser spannenden Erkundung von 100 der faszinierendsten Verschwörungen und Geheimgesell...
Occult detective Ariel Moravec investigates an ancient artefact and a disappearing dog...
A one year course for students of the occult in their quest for wisdom, revelation and enlightenm...
A one year course for students of the occult in their quest for wisdom, revelation and enlightenm...
Discover the art of casting and interpreting astrology charts for nations, politics and economies...
In The UFO Book, John Michael Greer, long-time researcher of the unexplained, chronicles 100 of t...
The Picatrix is the most famous grimoire of astrological magic and one of the most important work...