CIA officer Grady Dawson secretly enlists the aid of a wealthy New Yorker and asks him to start a...
In the heart of Montréal in 1953, private investigator Eddie Wade witnesses the brutal late-night...
In 1980, the world is teetering on the edge of darkness. The president of the Republic of Liberia...
The year is 1956 and the world is at peacebut not for long. A rogue British MI6 agent, code name ...
It's the beginning of the 1957 tourist season in Havana, and Americans are flocking to the Pearl ...
In the heart of Montréal in 1953, private investigator Eddie Wade witnesses the brutal late-night...
It is 1954 in Montreal-the original Sin City. Michael Spence and Philippe Belanger are long-time ...
In 1980, the world is teetering on the edge of darkness. The president of the Republic of Liberia...
It is 1950-the Year of the Tiger. Saigon, once the Pearl of the Far East, is now a city spinning ...
It's 1955 in Montreal when the door to private investigator Eddie Wade's office swings open to re...
It's the beginning of a new year in Montreal-1956. A mysterious American woman from St. Paul chec...