Spin Control, originally published in 1992, chronicles the development of the powerful White Hous...
Familie Feuerstein - Staffel #4 (DVD) CE 5DVDs, Collectors Edition
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Familie Feuerstein - Staffel #5 (DVD) CE 5DVDs, Collectors Edition
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Familie Feuerstein - Staffel #3 (DVD) CE 5DVDs, Collectors Edition
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Familie Feuerstein - Staffel #2 (DVD) CE 5DVDs, Collectors Edition
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From the authors of The Politics of the Presidency comes this new supplement examining the unprec...
The most up-to-date coverage and analysis of the presidency Never losing sight of the foundations...
This bundle includes John Anthony Maltese′s American Democracy in Context Vantage Shipped Access ...
In The Selling of Supreme Court Nominees, Maltese traces the evolution of the contentious and con...
Discover what makes American democracy unique and how its government impacts your life American D...
This bundle includes John A. Maltese′s American Democracy in Context & Peter N. Ubertaccio′s The ...
This bundle includes John A. Maltese′s American Democracy in Context and Wendy N. Whitman Cobb′s ...