Provides catechists with the tools needed to effectively and robustly proclaim God's Word and for...
Build up your skills and confidence with the right tools!
Build up your skills and confidence with the right tools!
Preparar los corazones y las mentes -- El catequista maestro Joe Paprocki ofrece 9 maneras sencil...
This book teaches catechetical leaders how to recruit, train, support, inspire, supervise, evalua...
Joe Paprocki desmitifica los sacramentos de la Iglesia Católica, presentándolos no como eventos i...
While there are many books about what catechists should know and what they are to do, there is ve...
Promover, explorar y celebrar la espiritualidad del catequista.Los catequistas dedican su tiempo ...
52 specific, practical, and achievable strategies to help Catholic parishes embody the broad them...
In 7 Keys to Spiritual Wellness, best-selling author Joe Paprocki provides a prescription for spi...
Beyond the Catechist's Toolbox enables young people to personally encounter Jesus in prayer, rath...
Joe Paprocki, autor de la exitosa serie de libros La caja de herramientas del catequista ha escri...