When sixth-grader Rosie begins to see magic, she learns that her mother's dwindling memory is tie...
Das Abenteuer des Disney Meisterwerks Arielle - Die Meerjungfrau geht weiter! Die kleine Melody l...
Rosies Mutter behandelt ihre Tochter kühl und ablehnend, ganz anders als andere Mütter. Als Rosie...
Nach Rosies Kampf gegen die Erinnerungsdiebin eröffnet sich ihr eine finstere Welt, in der zwölf ...
The relationship between a person with a question and a source of information is complex. Indexin...
Together for another juicy summer, carefree Murphy, perfect Leeda, and big-hearted Birdie return ...
This book examines the ways in which new information and communication technologies (ICTs) are be...
Love, laughter, secrets!Danielle Michaels has her hands full raising two small children on her o...
In this stunning reimagining of J. M. Barrie's beloved classic Peter Pan, New York Times bestsell...
The delicious sequel to the New York Times bestseller Peaches
Spirited, restless Gracie Lockwood has lived in Cliffden, Maine, her whole life. She's a typical ...