This book focuses on the behavior of the ruling families of Brescia, a rich and strategically vit...
Analysis of the city's social, cultural, religious and environmental history, and its politics an...
Based on a fascinating body of previously unexamined archival material, this book brings to life ...
In uncovering these hidden sex crimes, Ferraro exposes the further abuse of women by both the men...
How have ideas of marriage evolved in Western culture? How has its influence changed, and been sh...
Why marry? The personal question is timeless. Yet the highly emotional desires of men and women d...
Marriage in Europe became a central pillar of society during the medieval period. Theologians, la...
Why marry? The personal question is timeless. Yet the highly emotional desires of men and women d...
Marriage in Europe became a central pillar of society during the medieval period. Theologians, la...
Award-winning historian Joanne M. Ferraro's The Renaissance and the Wider World skillfully survey...