Eve tells the story of a child raised as a boy, when she knew all along that was wrong. That chil...
Three of Lorca's most famous plays in a single volume, translated from the Spanish and introduced...
A heartfelt new drama from the writer who brought 'Anna Karenina' and 'Faust' to vibrant life on ...
Jo Clifford's play Losing Venice is a joyously original, witty take-down of dangerously daft mach...
First performed in Edinburgh in 2010, this play was revived in a new production at Battersea Arts...
A new translation of Lorca's masterpiece, a passionate drama for an all-female cast.
A hilariously funny, wildly imaginative, and deeply moving new play about Scotland's past and pre...
A revolutionary queer ritual in which bread is shared, wine is drunk, and Biblical stories are re...