Key Features Book is written in a clear, concise and lucid manner, which makes it student-friendl...
This book introduce with computer system as well as architecture. In computer science, engineerin...
There has been an increasing demand for food throughout the world. If global food production is t...
The Water Services Development Plan defines the minimum as well as the desired level of water ser...
Der Entwicklungsplan für die Wasserversorgung legt das Mindest- und das gewünschte Niveau der Was...
Il piano di sviluppo dei servizi idrici definisce il livello minimo e desiderato del servizio idr...
O Plano de Desenvolvimento de Serviços de Água define o nível mínimo, bem como o nível desejado d...
Le plan de développement des services d'eau définit le niveau minimum ainsi que le niveau souhait...
El Plan de Desarrollo de los Servicios de Agua define el nivel mínimo y deseado de servicio de ag...
Les bâtiments modulaires sont des bâtiments fabriqués à partir d'éléments tridimensionnels préfab...
Modulare Gebäude sind Gebäude, die aus vorgefertigten dreidimensionalen Komponenten in einer Fabr...
Modular buildings are buildings which are made from prefabricated three dimensional components ma...