There is a complexity paradox that we all need to understand. We humans have a natural inclinatio...
Jennifer Garvey Berger har gennem sin forskning i lederskab og kompleksitet fundet frem til fem a...
Vi er i et nyt århundrede, der har sin helt egen stemme, som opfordrer os til at strække vores be...
Jennifer Garvey Berger uses her expertise in complexity of mind to support leaders around the wor...
'Acts of Inquiry in Qualitative Research presents a rich array of recent symposium articles that ...
Listen to people in every field and you'll hear a call for more sophisticated leadership-for lead...
Jennifer Garvey Berger and Keith Johnston are founding partners of Cultivating Leadership, a glob...
Leaving the Ghost Light Burning: Illuminating Fallback in Embrace of the Fullness of You
'An advanced guide to leadership development and intentional evolution--your own or others--using...
Jennifer Garvey Berger and Keith Johnston are founding partners of Cultivating Leadership, a glob...
Jennifer Garvey Berger believes that leadership is one of the most vital renewable resources in t...