With tensions rising on Earth, former mortal enemies find their newfound romance threatened by in...
- Heart-pumping sequel: Return of the Continuums, picks up where The 13th Continuum left off, and...
Spectre Deep 6 is a paranormal sci-fi graphic novel that centers on six reanimated spectres who h...
'200 is a wild, sexy, twisted, and darkly entertaining trip into the future and deep into the hum...
In the epic conclusion to the award-winning Continuum Trilogy, Aero leads a group insurgents from...
'200 is a wild, sexy, twisted, and darkly entertaining trip into the future and deep into the hum...
Spectre Deep 6 is a paranormal sci-fi graphic novel that centers on six reanimated spectres who h...
On a distant dwarf planet, a young soldier discovers her mortal enemy is her only tie to the worl...
Using black feminist theory and African American studies to read Victorian culture, Impossible Pu...
'One thousand years after a cataclysmic event leaves humanity on the brink of extinction, the sur...
Marcia Ochoa is Professor of Feminist Studies and Critical Race and Ethnic Studies at the Univers...
'Aero leads a group insurgents from the Second Continuum to overthrow his rival Supreme General V...