'Awakened and transformed by nuclear weapons testing, Godzilla serves as a terrifying metaphor fo...
Despite its centuries-long tradition of literary and artistic depictions of love between men, aro...
The ninth volume in Vagabond Press's Asia Pacific Series.This collection brings together the wor...
Die Texte (größtenteils Erstveröffentlichungen, teilweise zweisprachig) widmen sich poetischen Id...
Although frequently misunderstood as a homogenous nation, Japan is a land of tremendous linguisti...
Part of the Keshiki project: a series of 8 short stories translated from the original Japanese an...
'The publisher gratefully acknowledges the generous support of the Joan Palevsky Literature in Tr...
Mutsuo Takahashi is one of Japan’s leading living poets. He has published more than three dozen a...
This is the first English translation of a controversial Japanese best seller that made the publi...
Orikuchi Shinobu (1887-1953) was a Japanese ethnologist, linguist, folklorist, novelist, and poet...
Introducing Hiromi Ito, an award-winning Japanese author who has been compared to Haruki Murakami...