Red Odyssey IV picks up the baton from Champions Under Lockdown and explores events on and off th...
Red Dawn: The Ballad of Tom Watson and Liverpool FC's First Champions is the remarkable tale of h...
Red Odyssey: Liverpool FC 1892-2017 is a uniquely affectionate and often deeply moving history of...
The history of the longest running continuous derby in English football, between Liverpool and Ev...
When Ming the Merciless launched an all-out assault on planet Earth, the colorful band of heroes ...
In 2015, Jurgen Klopp arrived at Anfield and set about rebuilding a sports empire. He would need ...
Champions Under Lockdown is the third book in the Red Odyssey series. It tells the story of an ex...
The Lost Shankly Boy is an enthralling tale of triumph over adversity and hope amid despair. It t...
The Untouchables: Anfield's Band of Brothers chronicles the rise and fall of one of Liverpool's g...
Stanley Park Story charts the recent history of one of English football's oldest rivalries. Liver...