The urgent and powerful story of Greta Thunberg, climate activist who has sparked a worldwide stu...
From the time she was just a young girl, Georgia O'Keeffe viewed the world in her own way. While ...
'The world's greatest scientists gather in a secret town in the desert to develop the atomic bomb'
A paperback picture book based on the true story of Wangari Maathai, an environmental and politic...
This nursery rhyme has enchanted children for generations. Now Jeanette Winter's warm, evocative ...
Titles from separate title pages; works issued back-to-back and inverted.
In a small weaving town in France, a young boy named Henri-Emile Matisse drew pictures everywhere...
La Bibliotecaria de Basora: Una Historia Real de Iraq
The story of the great American painter of the Wild West, Charlie Russell.